The Link Visiting Scheme was founded more than 20 years ago to help reduce loneliness amongst older people in the Wokingham area and to bring generations together in friendship and shared experiences.

Confronting loneliness and isolation by creating connections that transform lives.
“My volunteer’s warm welcome gave me a feeling of being wanted and restored my confidence.
With the frequent visits and activities, I’ve managed to get back on my feet.
I cannot thank them enough for helping me get my life back again.”
They have seen the positive impact of friendship where they provide quality time, a listening ear and focused attention on individuals who so often feel invisible and forgotten.
They have seen thousands of lives transformed, and in 2020/21, they continue to reach hundreds of older people throughout their work.
This Christmas, Michael Aubrey Partnership are proud to be donating to the Link Visiting scheme Christmas programme.
This year, due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Link Visiting are planning to hold a similar event to last year with hot meals directly delivered to the door, some extra phone calls over the Christmas period and the usual bag of gifts.
To find out more about how you might be able to support the the Link Visiting Scheme and information on how to become a volunteer, please click here .
“It can be quite boring living alone.
Now I am part of Link to Nature, I have all these new friends with common interests.
And for the first time in years, I am excited about something and I have a focus.
It feels wonderful.”